The transition deadline for LIBOR contracts, except for a few legacy ones, is fast approaching with few months remaining until 31st December, 2021. The revised timeline and requirements certainly pose a challenge for LIBOR transition activities. This combined with the fact that banks need to redirect their legal, risk and operational resources away from LIBOR contract work to address COVID-19 repercussions, can be concerning.

In this webinar, we outline practical steps that banks can take right now to begin resolving (or for those well into the process, speed up) contract remediation, transition to risk-free rates (RFRs) and move past LIBOR once and for all.

Join us for an exclusive webinar to explore how the partnership of Intellect and Step Forward can help you with a holistic migration approach, covering all the aspects of the transition.

Mr. Venkatesh Srinivasan
EVP & Partner, Business Head – LIBOR Transition Solution
Intellect Design Arena Limited

Mr. Rohit Gajare
Product Head – LIBOR Transition Solution
Intellect Design Arena Limited

Ms. Ika Saragih
Country Manager, Indonesia
Step Forward Partners


    Please access the recorded webinar by submitting your details here:

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