Today, almost every enterprise, large or small, requires the storage of Aadhaar details of their customers. This subjects them to challenging security and storage protocols set by the regulatory bodies. According to these requirements, Aadhaar data must be masked before it is stored, to protect the identities and personal information of their customers.
As a response to this, we launched Magic Aadhaar, an Al-powered comprehensive Aadhaar processing solution that identifies, extracts, validates and contextually masks Aadhaar details before storing it. This allows for secure end-to-end digitisation, while complying with the necessary regulatory and KYC requirements.
Powered by our very powerful IDX.AI platform and by using AI technologies, Magic Aadhaar contextually extracts relevant information from unstructured, semi-structured and structured sources and over 500 types of documents in 87% less time and with a 98% accuracy rate.
Learn about more Magic Aadhaar features by attending the webinar “Swift and Accurate Aadhaar Processing, with Magic Aadhaar”
Deepak Dastrala
Chief Technology Officer – India
Intellect SEEC
Hitesh Arora
EVP ,Business Head & Global Product Leader
Intellect Design Arena Ltd
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